IMG Wild was founded by UK photographer & designer Dave Valler to provide professional quality stock images at an affordable and fair price.

Having experienced both sides of the stock image equation, there was an clear need for a simpler approach that would continue to offer value to the buyer, whilst allowing the photographer a greater share of the sale.

We have one simple licence agreement on all our royalty free photos and each image is the same price. Please visit our terms page to understand how you can use the stock images after purchase. 

There are no credits, subscriptions or accounts to worry about... we keep the volume of stock photos down so you can quickly browse the options and be able to find something amazing right away.

As working photographers, we experience first hand the balance between being paid enough for quality work and remaining competitive to global image buyers. We strive to offer better value than the larger sites and like to think this is a nice place to kick back, relax and scroll through the view...

If you need anything that we can help with, don't hesitate to get in contact.

Thank you for your support.

The IMG Wild Team